Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chris graduated from paramedic school. Yipee! Now he isn't so grumpy. he also gets a $600/month raise, which is nice to get when tons of our friends and family are losing their jobs. Security is a hard thing to come by in these hard times.

Maddie has had an ear infection forEVER. We did 3 rounds of different antibiotics and it finally went away with the last one. For five days. Then is came back. So all the docs could do was start her all over with the first antibiotic again. So now we are taking her the chiropractor instead and it seems to have gone away. Though now I am sick with a cold and Caitlyn has a temp of 103.4 out for nowhere. Just can't catch a break.

Jessica Anderson Peterson Anderson came into town today. It's her bday and we are both sick. But we ate Cafe Rio and had a nice time just chillin. She is gonna live here in Daybreak by me now!! Fun summer ahead with daily pool lounging and nice walks and workouts together. Can't wait!!